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a bit about me:

I am an avid electronics enthusiast who is interested in Robotics and Embedded Systems and would like to pursue my masters on this field of interest. I am especially interested in Autonomous Vehicles and married to the idea of self-driving vehicles being the mode of transport of the future. My long-term ambition is to achieve Level-5 Autonomous Drive ( which according to experts would take 15 -20 years to achieve).


I just completed my Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Anna University this May 2018. During my bachelors, I discovered an organization called IEEE that changed my life for the better. IEEE is all about applying what one learned and collaboration at the International stage on it. During my tenure at IEEE that is still continuing till present, I worked on many research projects of which one is funded; and published multiple research papers; held many leadership positions, and won a few awards. So, please feel free to check out these achievements under PROJECTS|PATENTSPUBLICATIONS and IEEE VOLUNTEERING.


I can say that I am a true INTERNATIONAL STUDENT as I got the exposure of visiting Brazil for the 3rd IEEE PES Student Congress. I represented my college and country there, this travel was fully funded by IEEE.


I have also done 3 MAIN INTERNSHIPS and COURSES related to my field of interest during my bachelors' degree.


I am currently pursuing research projects and research papers related to my field of interest after my bachelor's degree during my leisure. I am working as an Embedded Systems Engineer at a Drone-Satellite Research/Education startup named Hyoristic Innovations, Chennai and am concurrently pursuing a Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management.






Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management(Long Distance Learning)

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahemedabad, India



Sri Sairam Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India, Class of 2018

Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics

CGPA: 6.81/10.0



Chettinad Vidyashram, Central Board of Secondary Education, Chennai, India, Class of 2014

Higher Secondary, Math, Science and Computer Programming

Total Percentage of 85.6% or 428/500



Chettinad Vidyashram, Central Board of Secondary Education, Chennai, India, Class of 2012

Senior Secondary, Math, Science

Cumulative CGPA of 8.8/10



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